Commercial Waste Gallery Here is a selection of images, including before and after pictures of previous ‘Commercial Waste Clearance’ work. all cleaned bushes,trees and brambles being recycled at woodfields WINE BAR BIN AREA BEFORE CLEANING WINE BAR BIN AREA DURING CLEANING WINE BAR BIN AREA DURING CLEANING WINE BAR BIN AREA AFTER CLEANING wine bar bin area after factory clearance before factory clearance AFTER OFFICE CLEARANCE BEFORE during clearance during clearance during clearance during clearance commerical office clearance DURING commerical office after one of the team cleaning the bits up commerical office after commerical office after commerical office after commerical office clearance after caravan clearance BEFORE caravan clearance number 2 BEFORE caravan clearance during caravan clearance DURING caravan clearance after the big clean up start of the big clean up tescos car park before the clean up tescos car park before the clean up tescos car park before the clean up tescos car park before the clean up start of big clean up of the car park litter every were over grown bushes and brambles being cut back all cut back now from bushes and over grown brambles and bushes being cut back from the path all cleaned up now all clear of over grown bushes,trees all cleaned of over grown bushes,trees and waste all clear of bushes,and waste finished all cleaered of waste,bushes,trees all cleaned all cleared from bushes and trees car park clear from bushes trees and over grown foilage all clean and finished another commerical office clearance in central birmingham BEFORE another commerical office clearance in central birmingham DURING after office waste has all been cleared this is fly tipped rubbish that we had to remove BEFORE fly tipped rubbish at side of office car park DURING fly tipped rubbish all removed AFTER this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is during this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is before this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is before this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is before this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is during office clearance during the clean up office clearance after all rubbish removed office clearance after all rubbish removed office clearance after all rubbish removed office clearance after all rubbish removed office clearance after all rubbish removed removal of the burnt out caravan before this is another one of the jobs we did for waste check another burnt out caravan caravan being loaded on to the tipper truck the caravan being tipped off at the waste site whats left of the caravan being tipped of at the recyling waste depot all the metal being recycled were the caravan was after photo side entrance to a commerical property before side entrance to a commerical property AFTER office unit before clean up office unit after clean up this is a caravan we removed from a house which had been burnt out one of the team cutting up the caravan for removal another photo of the caravan which was burnt out were the burnt caravan was now all cleaned this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is before this is an commerical office clearance from birmingham business park this is before driveway were the caravan was